From Ideas to Action: A Blueprint for Organizational Change

From Ideas to Action: A Blueprint for Organizational Change

Maybe this scenario sounds familiar: you’ve just finished an amazing management book or heard a compelling speaker at a conference, and you get a profound insight. You want to implement the ideas you just heard into your company…immediately! You may already be on...
How to Communicate More Effectively

How to Communicate More Effectively

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, yet it’s often one of the most difficult things we do within our organizations. Misunderstandings, assumptions, and misinterpretations can muddy the waters of even the simplest conversations if we’re not careful....
The Ripple Effect: Leadership Lessons of Cold Plunging

The Ripple Effect: Leadership Lessons of Cold Plunging

What do taking a cold plunge and improving your leadership habits have in common? As it turns out, quite a lot. Much like the philosophy presented in James Clear’s Atomic Habits, at Cinga we believe that changing behavior in one small area of your life or business can...