The Leadership Echo Chamber: Unearthing Unconscious Bias

The Leadership Echo Chamber: Unearthing Unconscious Bias

Inclusive leadership begins with understanding ourselves first. We can’t influence our organizations or teams around us if we haven’t first looked at our own blind spots. Unconscious bias refers to automatic judgments or preferences a person has towards certain groups...
Unpacking the True Meaning of Privilege

Unpacking the True Meaning of Privilege

People often bristle when they hear someone say privilege because of the meaning they attach to the word. Most associate the word “privilege” with wealth and having been given something you didn’t work for. Understandably, they may react something like this: “What do...
Cultivating Cultural Humility

Cultivating Cultural Humility

The essence of Inclusive Leadership is to foster environments where everyone feels valued and respected. Central to this concept is cultural humility, which recognizes the importance of acknowledging and understanding different cultures and perspectives. We are all...
Intent vs Impact

Intent vs Impact

One of the places we get in trouble when building an inclusive culture is discerning intent from impact. Intent – is what you intend to convey through your words and actions. Impact – is how your words and actions make others feel. In an ideal world, our intent and...